Thursday, September 23, 2010

Will you still have friend if you save electricity ?

As more and more people feel concerned about Climate change ... some of them wonder about their new green image. Can you drive a hybrid car and still be popular?  Will your dog still love you if you recycle?

Admakers have step into the breach forthwith. A farewell to polar bears dying because of human kind ! Here is the smart new gold vein : "Being green is being cool". It is much smarter, beacause it's not calling fear or threat as a lot of ads do (see my post here), but above all, it is much more efficient, as it manage to get rid of the painfull image green movement is suffering from. But in a way ..isn't it paradoxical ? Or people are not smart enough to understand the profound stakes of Climate Change ... or the cause is vacuous. 

Anyway, let's get back what we were talking. Here is a green peace ad campaign about how to be green and cool. Let's say taht ... they are not beaten about the bush.

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