Monday, September 20, 2010

As far as we (don't) know

How far do we know about climate change ? 
This might be the only truth universally acknowledged about Global warming. But as for the rest, it is all out of focus.
Some scientists predict blood-and-thunder scenarios for the future, But the matter is they look hundreds years ahead. Is the science the right tool to predict the avenir in such a long-range ? I am glad it is not.  If we rely on these kinds of predictions, the planet would be drained because of farmers moving from a region to another, as a now-discredited theory of climatology tried to proove years ago.

But let's get back to the subject in hand. If I decide to buy a Toyota tomorrow, will a baby bear die in 1.000 years because of me ? And will pandas hold it against me for the next 500 years ? Hopefully, science doesn't have the answer.

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